I, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the parent or legal guardian of the participant and grant permission for my son/daughter to attend the Making Moves NYC Basketball Clinic. I affirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the registration information provided is true and complete. I also affirm that my son/daughter is physically capable of participating in strenuous activities. In the event I can be contacted without risk or delay, I (the undersigned) authorize Making Moves NYC to assume responsibility for acting in the best interest of the participant. I hereby release and waive Making Moves NYC from any and all claims or demands which are connected with injuries or losses sustained by the participant in connection with the participation in the Making Moves NYC. I hereby authorize the staff of Making Moves NYC to act for me according to their best judgment in any emergency requiring medical attention and I hereby waive and release Making Moves NYC from any and all liability for any injuries, illnesses or lost property incurred while at the clinic. I have no knowledge of any physical impairment. I hereby authorize the designated physician to perform such diagnostic, medical and/or surgical treatment on my child as may be deemed medically necessary in order to assure the safety of my child. I will be financially responsible for any medical attention needed during session. My agreement to or signature on this waiver also states that the above named player is covered by my personal medical insurance policy. I am giving my permission to use photographs of my child at practice or in games in promotional materials for Making Moves NYC platforms.